
Pourty Easy-to-Pour Potty, Blue



The Pourty Potty is a one piece potty with a unique pouring duct and anti-drip lip so that you can empty the unpleasant contents without any mess or dribbles. It is compact and sleek and it comes in four attractive colours, blue, pink, purple and white. Parents love Pourty because it is easy to empty and clean. Whenever you empty a basic potty you have to empty the contents over the seating area and any pee dribbles down the outside of the potty and all over the place. In contrast to this, the Pourty potty has a handle at the front making it easy to pick up your child's potty and pour the contents out of the back away from where the child sits or touches. The lip at the top of the duct is designed so that there should be no dribbles down the outside of the Pourty. You can then simply refill the Pourty with water and wash it out. It is very comfortable for the child to sit on because the seating area is wide and ergonomically designed. The two sides of the back rest offer ample support. It is made out of thick sturdy plastic making it harder for your child to knock over. It is stable to sit on which gives the child confidence when toilet training. The Pourty is bigger than most one piece potties but smaller than some two piece potties. Children from 6 months to 4 years old find it comfortable to sit on and are in a good healthy position to go to the toilet. Doctors agree that adopting the squatting position is the healthiest way to have a bowel movement. It is also lightweight and compact enough to be used as a travel potty.

